Turn Your Content into Answers with

Provide your users with accurate, real-time responses you can trust.
Enhance user satisfaction and reduce customer support needs with Resync.

How it works

Our LLM provides real-time, curated responses to user queries, reducing the need for direct support and enhancing user satisfaction.

1. Ingest Data

Upload your documents

Seamless Integration

Integrating our bot into your website

Enhanced Customer Experience

Your customers can interact with the bot and ask any questions related to the documents you've uploaded

Provide Solutions Faster

A better experience for the User

Real-time curated responses, reducing the need for direct support and enhancing user satisfaction with personalized, context-aware answers.

Easy Integration
Seamlessly integrate our LLM with your systems using our ready-to-go components and APIs. Get started quickly and effortlessly.
Multi-Format Data Ingestion
Ingest data from websites, PDFs, TXT files, CSVs, and most other formats with ease, ensuring comprehensive data coverage.
Accurate & Reliable Responses
Provide scenario-specific help with accurate, curated responses that stay on topic and admit when the bot doesn’t know.
Insightful Documentation Improvement
Receive actionable insights on your documentation to enhance and refine it where necessary.
Instant Curated Responses
Deliver immediate, curated responses to users when they search or ask for information, improving their experience.
Reduced Support Volume
Significantly reduce your support volume with authentic self-help experiences, detecting common questions and addressing them proactively.
Product screenshot

Only Pay For What You Use

Your tokens never expire!
Any unused tokens from previous months roll over and can be used anytime your accumulated tokens remain valid and ready for use whenever you return.

AmountPriceNormal SearchAdvanced Search
2500 Tokens$19167 Questions63 Questions
7000 Tokens$49467 Questions175 Questions
15000 Tokens$991000 Questions375 Questions
40000 Tokens$2492667 Questions1000 Questions
80000 Tokens$4995333 Questions2000 Questions
170000 Tokens$99911333 Questions4250 Questions
350000 Tokens$199923333 Questions8750 Questions
900000 Tokens$499960000 Questions22500 Questions

Contact Us

Contact us for enterprise solutions and plans based on your specific needs.

24/7 Support
Our support team is available 24/7 to assist you with any questions or issues.
Custom Solutions
We offer tailored solutions to meet your unique business needs and goals.